KonverentsidÜritused Ecobalt2023 Tallinnas Meil on heameel teatada, et 9.-11. oktoobril toimub Tallinnas Ecobalt2023 konverents. TÜ Analüütilise Keemia õppetooli…Riin Rebane23/05/2023
KoostöödUudised Külalised Radboud Ülikoolist 5. mail külastasid rahvusvahelise koostöö raames AKKI koosseisu kuuluvaid KBFI laboreid 26 magistritaseme tudengit ja…Riin Rebane23/05/2023
Uudised Measurement uncertainty online course 10th run has successfully finished! On May 11, 2023, the on-line course (MOOC) Estimation of measurement uncertainty in chemical analysis…Irja Helm12/05/2023
Uudised Measurement Uncertainty online course: 914 participants from 98 countries! On Tuesday, March 21, 2023 the web course Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis…Irja Helm24/03/2023
Uudised Prof. Ivo Leito – recipient of the UT teaching staff awards This year's recipients of the teaching staff awards in the University of Tartu have been…eliise.tammekivi22/02/2023
Uudised LC-MS Validation online course 7th run has finished! On February 10, 2023 the on-line course (MOOC) LC-MS Method Validation offered by the University of…Ivo Leito15/02/2023