Uudised LC-MS Method Validation web course: 1013 participants from 109 countries! Number of participants and countries updated on 22.11.2023! On Tuesday, November 21, 2023 the web…Irja Helm21/11/2023
KonverentsidÜritusedUudised EcoBalt 2023 edukas toimumine Grupifoto Lennusadamas (foto: Arno Mikkor) 9-11.10.2023 toimus Tallinnas Keemilise Füüsika ja Biofüüsika Instituudi ning Tartu…Riin Rebane26/10/2023
Uudised On-line LC-MS Method Validation Course 2023-2024: Registration is open! The eighth edition of the online course LC-MS Method Validation is open for registration (registration…Ivo Leito24/10/2023
Uudised Dr. Ernesto de Jesus Zapata Flores – PhD thesis on LC-MS derivatization reagents Last Wednesday, August 30th, 2023, a moment that marks the culmination of years of hard…eliise.tammekivi06/09/2023
Uudised AKKI andmehalduse seminar 31.08.23 Meil on heameel teatada, et koostöös Elixiriga korraldame uue õppeaasta alguse puhul seminari andmehaldusest keemikutele.…Riin Rebane22/06/2023
Uudised Dr. Andre Leesment – PhD thesis on the acidity in biphasic systems and gas-phase Last Friday, June 9th, 2023, Andre Leesment successfully defended his PhD thesis titled Quantitative studies…Ivo Leito14/06/2023