KoostöödUudised Estonian Science Popularisation Award On the 19th of November, awards for the Estonian Science Popularisation were announced and we…Ivo Leito03/12/2015
KoostöödUudised Collaboration between ECAC (AKKI) and the Balkan area in environmental analysis During Nov 25-27, 2015 the training seminar “Quality assurance for Hg measurements in food and…Ivo Leito01/12/2015
KonverentsidUudised EcoBalt 2016 registration is open! We are glad to announce that registration for the EcoBalt 2016 conference has been officially…Ivo Leito01/12/2015
KoostöödÜritusedUudised ECAC (AKKI) on the Cooperation festival “Right time, right place” (“Õigel ajal õiges kohas”) On Oct 14, 2015 Tallinn University of Technology and University of Tartu jointly organized the…Ivo Leito15/10/2015
Uudised Center of development and analysis of luminescent materials Methods based on luminescence (fluorescence of phosphorescence) are increasingly establishing themselves as a main tool…Ivo Leito01/10/2015
Uudised Science blog by Anneli Kruve Anneli Kruve is our colleague in University of Tartu and she works as a research…Ivo Leito20/09/2015