Examples of collaboration with the University of Tartu


  • Government program “Agricultural applied research and development from 2009–2014”: Method development for perfluoroalkyl compounds in food and testing.
  • Government program “Agricultural applied research and development from 2004–2008”: HPLC and LC-MS method development for pesticide residues in food and feed. Quality control.
  • “Modeling conditions for the selective extraction of impurities from pharmaceutical intermediates” (Pfizer Inc)
  • “Setting up testing methods for thermal and mechanical durability and cleanliness of plastic products.” (Promens AS)
  • “Development and validation of a method for determination of antibiotics in sewage sludge compost” (Tallinn University of Technology, UTT Tartu College)
  • “Development and validation of a method for determination of antibiotic residues” (Tallinn University of Technology)


  • Characterization of chemical products for REACH registration using instrumental analysis methods” (Molycorp Silmet AS)
  • Characterization and classification of shale oil products” (Viru Keemia Grupp AS)
  • Characterization and classification of shale oil products” (Eesti Energia Õlitööstus AS, Tiroler Steinölwerke Albrecht GmbH & CoKG)
  • Characterization of ammonia, urea and aqueous ammonia using methods of chemical analysis.” (Nitrofert AS)

Research projects on cultural goods

  • Research and conservation project called “Rode Altarpiece in Close-up” (duration of the project was 2013–2016). This work was carried out in collaboration with Niguliste Museum, one of the branches of the Art Museum of Estonia. Art Museum of Estonia started in 2013 comprehensive project related to the history, technical investigation and conservation of the Retable of the High Altar of Tallinn’s St. Nicholas’ Church. The retable (made in the workshop of the Lübeck master Hermen Rode) is one of the grandest and best-preserved northern German altars from the Late Middle Ages.
  • Technical chemical material research of the architectural terracotta sculptures of St. John’s Church in Tartu (church and sculptures 14th c, polychromy of unknown date). This work is carried out in collaboration with The Estonian Academy of Arts. 
  • Comprehensive paint investigation of the upper part of the altar in the Tallinn Holy Spirit Church. Investigation was carried out in 2009 in collaboration with Conservation and Digitization Centre Kanut. One of the most distinguished examples of altaripiece art in Estonia is the late medieval retable of the high altar in the Church of the Holy Spirit, completed in the workshop of Bernt Notke, in 1483.
  • Material analysis of the findings from the clinker-built Salme ship. Collaboration with Institute of History and Archaeology, Chair of Archaeology, University of Tartu. Salme ship of Scandinavian origin was discovered in 2008 near Salme village in Saaremaa Estonia. This is the first prehistoric ship find in the eastern Baltic, preliminarily dated to be around 1300-1100 years old. .
  • Historical and material study of the over-painted altar and pulpit in the church of St. Mary, Vigala. Christian Ackermann, a leading woodcarver in Estonia, created the altar and pulpit in the second half of the 17th century. Investigation was carried out in 2006 in collaboration with Conservation and Digitization Centre Kanut.
  • Comprehensive paint investigation of mural painting of the guild-hall in the Tallinn Town Hall.Tallinn Town Hall is the oldest surviving Town Hall in the Baltic countries and Scandinavia. The building history of the Town Hall goes back to the 13th Investigation was carried out in 2005 in collaboration with Conservation and Digitization Centre Kanut.
  • Paint Investigation of the ceiling of the gallery in the Alatskivi Castle was carried out in 2010. Collaboration with OÜ ARC Project, Estonia.
  • Comprehensive paint investigations of the three valuable paintings made by famous Estonian artist Kristjan Raud (all these paintings were made in time period of 1900-1940): “Rändaja, “Pesu” and “Kalev kosjas”. Investigation was carried out in 2007 in collaboration with Art Museum of Estonia (KUMU).
  • Paint investigation of the famous painting “Lennuk” made by Estonian artist Nikolai Triik (made in 1910). Investigation was carried out in 2008 in collaboration with Art Museum of Estonia (KUMU).